About Dr. Escobar

Dayana I. Escobar, DDS, MMSc

Dayana I. Escobar, DDS, MMSc, specializes on digital workflow, full mouth rehabilitations, dental implants, esthetic, and digital dentistry.

Dayana completed her dental school training at New York University College of Dentistry in May 2012 and her specialty training in prosthodontics at the Harvard School of dental Medicine in May of 2015. Dr. Escobar was one of the first student involve on the first surgical implant course in her prosthodontist residency at Harvard under Dr. Schnitman mentorship.

She lectures nationally on the subject of digital workflow and she is currently lecturer on Implant Department-Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterial Sciences at Implant at Harvard Dental School of Medicine.


When she is not practicing dentistry Dr. Escobar enjoying time with her son and her husband, church activity and outreach.





Private Practice of Restorative Dentistry and Implant dentistry

Wellesley Hills, MA




07/01/2012 - 05/26/2015        Harvard School of Dental Medicine 

Advanced Graduate Education in Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine

Certificate and M.M.Sc. Degree.




06/01/2009 - 05/27/2012       New York University College of Dentistry 

D.D.S. Doctor Dental Surgery Degree.


01/04/1994 – 07 /27/1999       Universidad Central de Venezuela

D.D.S. Doctor Dental Surgery Degree







12/2015 – Present               Lecturer on Implant Department-Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterial Sciences at Implant at Harvard Dental School of Medicine


01/2013 – 05/2015              Teaching Pre-doctorate-Dental students, 

Harvard Dental School of Medicine,

Boston, Massachusetts


05/2000-08/2002                Clinical Instructor- Restorative Department     

Central of Venezuela University,

Caracas- Venezuela.





09/2012 – Present               Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Research assistant in Tooth Loss Unit with Dr. Paul Schnitman.


07/2012 – 05/2015              Harvard School of Dental Medicine

M.M.Sc Research - Effect of Mouthwash on Gloss Reflectance of Dentures with Dr. P. Millstein.




12/2016                             Metropolitan District Dental Society

The Digital Revolution 2017 & Beyond. (Lecture)




05/2016                             ACP – New England

Implant Surgical Training Within An Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics: Rationale and Significance. (Poster)


10/2015                             American College of Prosthodontists

Consideration on a Computerized Approach for Full Mouth Implant Rehabilitation: Treatment Planning, Surgical Sequence, and Provisionalization. (Poster)


03/2015                             International Association for Dental Research

Effect of Mouthwash on Gloss Reflectance of Dentures. (Poster)


03/2015                             The Academy of Osseointegration

Surgical Implant Placement for Prosthodontic Residents. (Poster)   



12/2014                                           Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics    

Implant Surgical Training within an Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics. (Poster)


11/2014                             American College of Prosthodontics

Chairside Digital Esthetic Full Mouth Reconstruction. (Poster)



10/2014                             ACP New England

Implant Surgical Training within an Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics: Rationale, Significance and Curriculum. (Lecture)



03/2014                             Academy of Osseointegration

The Harvard Implant Surgical Training Program For Advanced Education Residents In Prosthodontics (Poster).







P. Schnitman, DDS, MSD, D. Escobar, DDS, MMSc; S. Jung, DDS; MMsc, S. Florencio, DDS, Andrea Radics CDT. Reducing Treatment Time, Cost and Manual Skill development using Digital Dentistry. Dentistry Today Sep 2016.


P. Schnitman; D. Escobar; S. Jung; S. Florencio; Surgical Implant Placement for Prosthodontic Residents. In preparation for the Journal of Dental Education. Presented (poster) at The Academy of Osseointegration, San Francisco - March 12-14 2015.


Escobar, DI, Millstein P, Effect of Mouthwash on Gloss Reflectance of Dentures.

In preparation for The Journal of Prosthodontics.

Presented (poster) at the International Association for Dental Research - March 11-14 2015, Boston.


D. Escobar, DDS; R. Liu, DMD; M. Wang, DMD; Chairside Digital Esthetic Full Mouth Reconstruction. In preparation for The Journal of Prosthodontics.                                     Presented (Poster) at The American College of Prosthodontics - November 5-8 2014, New Orleans,


Gil Ma; Saenz M; Hernandez (Escobar) D. Los Sellantes de Fosas y Fisuras: Una alternativa de tratamiento "Preventivo o Terapéutico" Revision de la literatura. Sealants: A preventive alternative of Restorative Dentistry.  

Acta odontol. Venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp. 193-200. ISSN 0001-6365.


Hernández, P; Hernandez (Escobar), D et al. Puntos de Gatillo. Trigger Points. Acta odontologica de Venezuela, Jan 2001, vol.39, no.1, p.54-56. ISSN 0001-6365


González, M; Hernandez (Escobar), D et al. Bell Palsy. Acta odontologica. Venezuela, Jan 2001, vol.39, no.1, p66-69. ISSN 0001-6365




06/2015-Present                          Private Practice, Prosthodontics, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts


06/2015-Present                          Private Practice, General Dentistry, Affordable Family Dental, Chelsea MA


06/2007-05/2009                         Lynn Community Health Center, General Dentistry, Lynn, Massachusetts


09/2004-05/2009                         Joseph M. Smith Community Health Center, General Dentistry, Waltham, Massachusetts


11/1999-03/2003                         Private Practice, General Dentistry,

                                                Caracas, Venezuela





Community Service Related to Professional Work



2011-2012                                  Grenada Outreach-New York University, College of Dentistry Director Dr. Mark Wolff and Dr. Stuart Hirschad, provided oral health care to the Grenada population.


2004-2006                                  Short-term missionary trip to Nicaragua,

                                                Presbyterians Hispanic and Korean church, Volunteer project providing dental services to the rural population in several Nicaragua’s cities.








·        Honor Clinical – Aesthetic Dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry, New York 2012


·        Nila and Joshi Award for Fixed Prosthodontics Outstanding Achievement, New York Academy of Oral Rehabilitation 2012


·        The Ultradent Esthetic Dentistry Award 2012


·        American Board of Prosthodontics, successful completion Part I


·        Registered dentist in Commonwealth of Massachusetts with full license


·        North East Regional Board certified


·        Certification in CPR


·        Memberships: AADR, IADR, ADA, MSD, ACP, AO, AADS, and ACP


·        Fluent in spoken, written, and conversational in Spanish





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